The upside of negative reviews

Negative reviews can actually improve checkout conversion.

For context, reviews are a big deal:

  • 93% of consumers claim product reviews impact purchase decisions
  • The social proof of having 50+ product reviews increases conversion. Shoppers trust peers more than they trust brands.

Negative yet constructive reviews can outperform your best positive review for generating sales. Many books suggest that reviews usually improve performance whether good or bad. When a partially negative review weighs your cons versus your pros, and concludes that the product was worth purchasing anyway, that sounds authentic and honest.

Here's what you can do:

  • Make sure your post-purchase email flow contains a request for reviews. The more reviews you have, the better.
  • Don't bury slightly negative reviews. If someone leaves a 4-star review and offers a fair (and insignificant) critique, showcase it towards the top of your product page. Be human.