Google Call-Only ads can increase conversion

Good at closing sales over the phone?

Try Google call-only ads. They are text-based and link directly to a phone number instead of a website.

CPCs are similar to traditional Google ads. But instead of people bouncing from your site after they click your ad, you’re on the phone with them within 2 clicks.

Here’s how to get the most out of call-only ads:

  • Set your keywords for call-only ads to target high-intent searchers who are looking for quick answers and have no time to research. Combine this with normal text ads so that you can appeal to searchers who are not in a rush and prefer to self-educate.
  • Conversion rates go up if you include your searchers' location in the copy. For example, if you're a San Francisco based towing company, include that in your copy. Searchers are more likely to click your ad if their car breaks down in San Francisco.

This tactic is best suited for businesses with high LTVs due to the labor costs associated with closing sales over the phone.